
USA | 2024 | Drama | 14' | Cantonese and English

Studying in an out-of-state college, Emily Sung returns home for her cousin's wedding. On this jovial evening, when everyone around her is celebrating love and marriage, Emily struggles to confront her traumatic past.

Supported by the Panavision New Filmmaker Program.

Key Crew & Cast

Writer/Director/Editor - Jinsui Song 宋金穗Producer - Shen Wei 沈玮, Jinsui Song 宋金穗Cinematographer - Jacqueline Chan 陳煒霖Production Designer - Justine Law 羅家怡Costume Designer - Ruoxuan Li 黎若萱Hair & Makeup - Geremi D. So 蘇潤彤Sound Designer - Sam Fan 范文锐Music Composer -Moni Jasmine Guo 郭茉泥Gaffer/Colorist - Gabriela Spampinato Starring - Valerie Yu 喻梦真, Alice Ko 高艾思, Cici Lau 劉思思, Gloria Ho 陳君愉, Shirley To 杜安恩, Corinne Chooey 黃妙儀, Annie Chow 戚安妮